Women’s History

The Women’s History Community

The Women’s History Affinity Community is comprised of those who are interested in presenting and encouraging accurate, compelling, diverse, and often controversial women’s history. The affinity community encourages thoughtful scholarship, curriculum, interpretive content, public and educational programs, and shares best practices and strategies for including women’s history in sites and locations of all sizes. The group also strives to encourage and promote women’s leadership in the museum and historical fields.

The Women’s History Affinity Community was formalized in November 2014 after the AASLH Annual Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota. It continues to grow and build a stronger community with its members. As the 2020 Centennial of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment approaches, the affinity community is focused on the creation of a 2020 Values Statement and other resources to provide information and guidance on the commemoration of this event for the field.

The Women’s History Affinity Community is overseen by a diverse committee of professionals who work with AASLH to accomplish the goals and expectations of the group.

Out of the Kitchen

When women’s stories are confined to kitchens or needlework exhibits, we miss opportunities to talk about their range of experiences. Our work promotes and exemplifies ways to better understand and interpret the past of half the human race: women and girls.

The Women’s History Affinity Community challenges ALL sites, not just those named for women, to strive for valuable inclusion of women’s history and experiences. Join the Women’s History Affinity Community and make a commitment to expand women’s stories into all sites and interpretation.

The Women’s History Affinity Community will work to:

Create, present, or foster Annual Meeting activities, keynote speakers, panels and sessions, and networking opportunities that share access to valuable scholarship; provide a forum for discussion of success/or not so successful stories; and highlight local organizations and sites in each Annual Meeting location.Disseminate information to the field through AASLH resources and other blog and listserv forums and similar organizations.

Provide a network that:

  • Encourages individuals and organizations to collaborate on projects around themes relevant to national history such as anniversaries, celebrations, or history month.
  • Fosters mentoring, professional development and strongly encourage young women to strive for leadership positions within their professional organizations.
  • Connects new and updated research in the academic field to practitioners working in sites that interpret women’s history.

Women’s History Committee

The AASLH Women’s History Affinity Community is led by the following committee:

Kimberly Robinson, Chair (2021-2025)
National Park Service, Harpers Ferry, WV
[email protected]

Page Harrington (2018-2024)
Consultant, Alexandria, VA
[email protected]

Jennifer Krafchik (2021-2025)
National Woman’s Party, Washington, DC
[email protected]

Kelsey Millay (2020-2024)
Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission, Washington, DC
[email protected]

Kenvi Phillips
Brown University Library, Providence, RI

Julia Rose
Marietta House Museum, Glenn Dale, MD
[email protected]

Dr. Noelle Trent (2017-2024)
Museum of African American History in Boston and Nantucket

AASLH Staff Contact
Becky Schoenbachler, Professional Development Coordinator
[email protected]

Join the conversation about women’s history with the AASLH Women’s History Community Google Group. This online forum is a space to connect with others, ask a question, and share news and resources. After clicking the link, press the Ask to Join Group button to get connected.

Women’s History Resources

AASLH Resources

AASLH has several resources valuable to those interested in women’s history. As the Women’s History Group grows, more resources will be added to this list.

19th Amendment Centennial Value Statement:

Planning for commemorating the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment have already begun at many institutions. In preparation for this important event, the AASLH Women’s History Affinity Committee have written the AASLH 19th Amendment Centennial Value Statement to provide additional suggestions and resources for organizations seeking to commemorate the anniversary.
Read the 19th Amendment Centennial Value Statement. 

2020 Suffrage Centennial Resource Guide:

Read the guide.


Read our blog.



Resource Center:

Browse through Women’s History resources in the AASLH Resource Center.

National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites

The National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites (NCWHS) supports and promotes the preservation and interpretation of sites and locales that bear witness to women’s participation in American life. NCWHS offers a variety of resources to aide in the preservation and interpretation of women’s history, that can be found on their website.
Visit the NCWHS website.


The NCWHS has compiled two bibliographies essential to the field:

  • A bibliography of general work in the field of women’s history
  • An annotated bibliography of work on the interpretation of women’s history

National Women’s History Project

The National Women’s History Project recognizes and celebrates the diverse and historic accomplishments of women by providing informational services and educational and promotional materials.
Visit the NWHP website.